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Ongoing Assessment

Students are evaluated in their daily learning process. This implies documentation and monitoring the student's learning and taking into account multiple intelligences. Metacognition allows students to lplan, monitor, regulate and evaluate their learning processes.


Formative Assessment


One of our goals for this year is ‘Assessment’: Get students, parents and ‘teachers’ to emphasize the learning process. Recreate the system to allow a continuous and comprehensive evaluation. Strengthen the changes implemented, systematize them, focusing on metacognition and dialogue between ‘students, teachers & parents’.


In K and Junior I assessment is continuous and formative. It is done with  documentation to make students´learning visible. Through this observation we can see what was learned and not learned, the maturational changes, opinions and evolution in behavior

Starting in 4th Form, students have different types and instances of evidence:

  • Counsellors' comments: It is the first evaluation instance and is carried out in April. Counsellors assess how students developed the first weeks of school. It is done through Godspell Net.

  • Report with attitudinal goals and Big Understandings: Students perform their self-assessment. They evaluate their attitudes and goals of learning proposed with our rubrics. Then teachers give their feedback. It is done through Godspell Net in May, September and November.

  • Student - Teacher - Parent Conference (STP): Instance of return and feedback that takes place in school in May and September.

  • Evidence: they are at the end of the term. Students must demonstrate an understanding of the goals of their plans. They are evaluated with 'rubrics'.

  • Inter and Intrapersonal Goals: Students carried out their self-assessment and the Counselors gave their feedback. Interpersonal intelligence refers to the ability to interact with peers, to perceive and understand the feelings of others. Intrapersonal intelligence is the ability that develops the knowledge of oneself, of our own emotions and feelings, the ability to act according to one's own way of thinking. It is done in August.

  • Final evidence or projects: Students must demonstrate understanding and integration of all the goals of the year. They are evaluated with rubrics. Students who achieved excellent results during the year do not give them up and carry out a project.

  • Final report: The boys evaluate their attitudes and learning goals proposed with rubrics. Then teachers give their feedback

Throughout the year the students have:

  • Quizzes: they can be every two weeks or weekly. They seek to demonstrate basic content, reading a book, memorizations, etc.

  • Controls: are at the end of each plan. They seek to demonstrate the understanding of the goals of the plan.

  • Speaker of the day: teachers raise a theme or concept by plan. Students must prepare a speech of approximately 3 minutes, demonstrating the understanding of the topic and incorporating new vocabulary and expressions.

  • Portfolios: Students of K, Primary, Intermediate & Senior together with their teachers and counsellors make a Portfolio or Webfolio that reflects the learning process and shows the evolution of each one

International Exams


  • I.G.C.S.E.: International General Certificate of Secondary Education (University of Cambridge).

  • I.C.E.: International Certificate of Education (University of Cambridge).



Senior 1: First Language Spanish, Biology, History & Art

Senior 2: Mathematics, First Language English, Literature, Business Studies & Child Development (optional).   

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