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Useful information


Anchor 3



All Godspell students must wear the school uniform.

The way we wear the school uniform also serves to reflect some values ​​that Godspell promotes: academic excellence, passion for learning, respect, Godspell spirit, self-esteem and harmony.


Please be sure to write the first and last name on the entire uniform.


Our new gym uniform is sold at:

  • Duns Scouts - Pilar (011)-1535129100

  • Uniformes Marisa - Villa Adelina 1556 - Barrio Devicenzo - Del Viso  03484-472169 o 03484-639747


You can get our uniforms at:

  • Uniformes Marisa - Villa Adelina 1556 - Barrio Devicenzo - Del Viso  03484-472169 o 03484-639747

  • Juvenilia - Juan Segundo Fernández 70 - 1º piso - Lomas de San Isidro  011-4763-3037

  • Johnny’s Uniform - Pedro Lagrave 270 - Pilar  0230-4664174                                                                                                                                                   Francisco Berra 3014 (esq. J.S. Fernández) - San Isidro - 011-4519-3487

  • School Gang - Panamericana Km. 49,5 - Pilar Edificio Concord P.B. Unidad 3

                              Alvear 410, Martínez











































































































- Regulatory sweater - regulatory diver is worn on GYM days

- Regulatory navy blue fleece.

- Navy blue jacket.

- White or navy blue undershirts.



- Regulatory sweater

- GYM days are used diver

- Regulatory navy blue fleece.

- Navy blue jacket.

- Wool navy blue long socks (no shoes or jogging)

- T-shirts below the shirt white or navy blue.

sports uniform

Documentation for Admissions

Anchor 7

To enter Kindergarten:

  • Photocopy of the first two pages of the DNI.

  • Photocopy of the updated vaccine certificates (Sabin, Triple, BCG, etc.).

  • Photocopy of the Birth Certificate.

  • ID of the parents or guardians.


To enter 1st Form (1st grade Primary):

  • Photocopy of the first two pages of the DNI.

  • Photocopy of the updated vaccine certificates (Sabin, Triple, BCG, etc.).

  • Photocopy of the Birth Certificate.

  • ID of the parents or guardians.


To enter 2nd to 6th Form (2nd to 6th grade Primary):

  • Photocopy of the first two pages of the DNI.

  • Photocopy of the updated vaccine certificates (Sabin, Triple, BCG, etc.).

  • Photocopy of the Birth Certificate.

  • Original official report card.

  • ID of the parents or guardians.


To enter Intermediate I (1st grade Secondary School):

  • Photocopy of the first two sheets of the updated ID and with change of address.

  • Photocopy of the Birth Certificate.

  • 6th Grade Primary Certificate (original and copy).

  • Health and fitness certificate.

  • Vaccine certificate: copy of the Vaccination Book.

  • Extension of the previous school.

  • ID of the parents or guardians.


To enter Intermediate II, III, Senior I, II & III (2nd to 6th Secondary School):

  • Photocopy of the first two sheets of the updated ID and with change of address.

  • Photocopy of the Birth Certificate.

  • Proof of title in process indicating whether it is complete or incomplete.

  • In the case of owing subjects, present the program or planning of the previous school for the matter owed.

  • Partial analytical certificate (original and copy).

  • Health and fitness certificate.

  • Vaccine certificate: copy of the Vaccination Book.

  • Extension of the previous school.

  • ID of the parents or guardians.


It is necessary: ​​audiometry, ophthalmological examination and oral-dental certificate.

* To enter any grade it is necessary to present the free debt of the previous school.



inputs and outputs

Anchor 2

The entrance to the school is Drop-off modality. Each student will enter through the gate of their section.

The exit:  Those who pick up students through the main gate or annex must park, get out of the car and write down the last names of the students. Those who leave through the Intermediate & Senior gate will do pick-up mode.


Godspell A to Z

Anchor 1
  • Assemblies: meetings with students to present or discuss a particular topic and exchange ideas.

  • BBK (Building Background Knowledge): Theory created by Robert Marzano that proposes several steps to follow so that the new vocabulary is fixed in the brain and in the long-term memory.

  • Real bilingualism: bilingualism provided by the school so that the student can interact interchangeably in their mother tongue or English and thus be inserted into a global world from the social and professional.

  • Body - Brain - Soul Compatible Learning: is an advanced, multidisciplinary study, based on the question of how our brain learns best. In Godspell, the fruit of these investigations becomes a daily lifestyle.

  • Centers: Way in which classes in K and Primary are organized to work multiple intelligences and encourage responsible freedom. Committees: groups composed of parents, teachers and alumni to contribute to the development of different activities (sports, 25th, 30th. Anniversary, Reggio Emilia, Literacy).

  • Comprehension Performance: activities that develop and at the same time demonstrate the student's understanding in relation to the goals of understanding, by requiring them to use what they know in new ways.

  • Daily 5: This year we are applying Daily 5 from K5 to 6th grade. It is a model to develop mental habits that manages to arouse the passion for reading and writing in a unique, creative and independent way.

  • Education of the Person: an education whose main axis is the person, his singularity, autonomy, openness, unity and whose purpose is, in the words of his father the great pedagogue Víctor García Hoz, “to enable man to formulate and carry out his personal life project ”.

  • Values ​​Education: that clarifies, instills, models, develops skills and facilitates value learning.

  • Education for Comprehension: Godspell's pedagogical proposal that arises as a result of extensive research carried out by the Harvard University Graduate School of Education and which allows thinking, analysis, problem solving skills to be carried out in the classroom and grants to which you learn a high meaning for life.

  • Evidence of Comprehension: an instrument that demonstrates the degree of understanding of the student (quiz, control, project, practical work, teamwork, etc)

  • Mental skills: the goal of Godspell is for the student to "think rigorously", that's why the mental skills proposed by Víctor García Hoz are worked on.

  • Metacognition: Think as I think. It helps students to rethink and directional their learning.

  • Multiple Intelligences: theory developed by Dr. H. Gardner (Harvard) that responds to the philosophy of person-centered education, understanding that there is no single and uniform way of learning. All people possess a spectrum of intelligences; each one is more eminent in some than in others and they are combined and used in different ways.

  • Networks (Nets): team of teachers of the same subject that plans, researches, seeks coherence in the themes, criteria, resources. Quality organization

  • Collegiality: effective and affectively organized educational community, committed to the entire vision of the school.

  • Outcome-Based Education: high quality results oriented organization that begins with determining the knowledge, skills and qualities that the student wants to be able to demonstrate at the end of their cycle.

  • Think rigorously, live creatively: Philosophy of Dr. Alfonso López Quintás that as a school we also do ours and where rigor and creativity intervene in the encounter with our task. Plan: unit of work that the student performs in each subject.

  • Portfolio: evolutionary portrait of a student's learning process: how it changes, how it grows, shows the process, development, personal and academic evolution.

  • Projects: interdisciplinary work carried out by students where the use of multiple intelligences is highlighted.

  • Reggio Style: pedagogical style used in Reggio Emilia, Italy, and applied in Kindergarten and Primary of Godspell.

  • Rubrics: Evaluation system so that all the members know the parameters that are taken into account to evaluate.

  • Seminars: interdisciplinary work carried out by those students of Lord III who achieved the objectives of the common subjects with high averages.

  • Add value: in Godspell the teacher not only teaches, but also makes the student learn and understand by adding value.

  • Teams: team composed of teachers, students, parents, staff working on values, technology, spirituality (ALGV Values ​​Team), etc.

  • Integrated Units

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