Project Based Learning
Project-based Learning is a pedagogical approach, seeking Deep and Authentic Results . Based on these goals, the teacher-teacher guides the search for personal and small-group paths towards these results.
Students are provoked to choose according to their problems to solve, to carry out research on a topic that arouses their curiosity, or to solve a problem emerging from significant real-life situations.
What is working at Projects?
It is a way of learning and teaching that involves students becoming true protagonists by asking them to seek challenging questions or solutions to real-world problems.
It is a process in which both students and teachers ask themselves the what, how, when, where and for what of what they are learning and then apply and understand the information of what they are researching and create solutions .
In this methodology the boys develop different mental abilities such as critical thinking, communication, innovation, creative thinking and planning. They also develop social skills by working collaboratively with their peers.
What is project work like?
We start from a provocation , we expose the boys to different experiences so that they generate ideas, questions and hypotheses .
Then there is a moment of Assembly where the group already formed does the sharing to find a challenging question or a problem to solve that directs and marks the path of their project. The role of teachers is to guide them not to give them answers so that they keep asking themselves and can generate connections of their pre-existing ideas with the new ones.
When they find the problem to solve, a moment of planning begins: setting goals and scheduling the steps to follow until it is time to investigate, apply and create.
It is a cyclical process until they reach the desired product or solution.
There is a metacognition work where at each stage the boys wonder if they are progressing correctly or if they have to improve.
Project Options:
Throughout the year proposals and different styles of Projects are approached:
Project of a significant topic for the school : the whole school participates. They are displayed according to the goals of the year.
Art Fair.
Naturalistic Week
Linguistic Week
Interdisciplinary Projects: They are carried out between subjects. Teachers meet and project meaningful Interdisciplinary Goals for their students and challenge them with real-life issues, where they are invited to add value to the community.
K2: Senses.
Happy birthday
K3: Food transformation.
A tree and leaf investigation.
Everything has to be nice.
K4: The importance of gifts and decorations.
A world of dinosaurs.
K5: The colors and the festivities.
The world of fairies and gnomes.
What´s inside our bodies? Brain, vains, blood, bones and heart.
1st FORM: Insects in our garden.
2nd FORM: Brain, emotions & senses
3rd FORM: Natural resources.
Floor .
Food / Chef.
4th FORM: Natural Disasters.
Environments / Climate.
5th FORM: What would you fight for ?: Revolution.
6th FORM: Elections: Making decisions.
The Brain
Ancient Egypt: Mummification & Pyramids.
Ancient Greece: Myths, gods, heroes.
Lights, shadows and colors.
Conflict & Changes.
Absolutism: European Monarchy.
Poetry. The power of the word.
League of Nations.
Enzymes & Denaturation.
Asexual and sexual reproduction.
Cold War.
Body Art.
Stoichiometry. Electricity & Chemistry.
Argentine independence.
Genes & DNA.
Fraud, corruption.
Political violence: Yesterday and today.
Self-management - Entrepreneurship.
Understanding goals:
With an eye on Authentic and Profound Results that add value to the community, we guide to:
Develop Provisions for the 21st century
Ask questions
Make hypotheses
Make sense of the experience
Find depth
Meta cognition:
Think about how you think
Think independently
Stay open to learn more
Transform - Create
Intra and interpersonal goals:
Anticipate the consequences of actions
Act with flexible thinking.
Insist on finding solutions to problems
Make good decisions
Predicting the feelings and tastes of others
Manage impulsivity
Find humor

Senior 3 students who have achieved their goals and shown deep understanding in these past six years and excellent use of their “responsible freedom” are selected to close their academic life at Godspell through a “Seminar”.
Our students choose a topic that is meaningful to them, carry out deep research and field work and end up presenting and defending their seminar in front of an authentic audience.